Tips For Building Credit If You Have None

At one time each and every one of us had little to no credit. So if you are in that position now, how can you take steps to build up your credit in a positive way?

If you have little or no credit building up positive credit history can seem daunting and you might not know where to start. Luckily millions of people have been in your position so there are a lot of great tips and tricks to getting started in the right way!

Open A Credit Card

If you have little to no credit history the best way to get some is to open a credit card. While this may be difficult because of your credit history you may be able to find one with a low limit.

Once you open your card make sure you use it each and every month, though sparingly. Once it is used make sure you pay it off in full right after or by your payment date. Establishing a low balance and history of on-time payments is the best way to make sure you are on the right track building credit. If you open the card and never use it you will not be able to build up that positive history!

Get A Secured Credit Card

If you have no credit history it may be difficult to find a creditor that will allow you to open a regular credit card. One way you can build up some credit history before trying to open a normal credit card is to get a secured credit card.

A secured credit card is a credit card that requires you to put up some cash as collateral. This is a great option for people with little to no credit or someone trying to rebuild their credit.

Once you have used the secured credit card for a time you will establish enough of a credit history that you will be able to open a regular credit card.

Become An Authorized User

One way to get your credit started is to be added as an authorized user on someone else’s credit card. This is a great option for young people and their parents. If you choose to go down this route you have to make sure that the cardholder is reliable and in good financial standing. 

Fixing your credit can be as simple as making a call! We're here to help you rebuild and understand your credit. Give us a call to get started or learn more about what we can do for you 1-800-431-0449.