Do-able Financial Resolutions For 2022

The new year is the perfect time to get your finances on the right track! While you are making your resolutions for 2022 be sure to add in a few that will help you meet your financial goals.

Creating new year’s resolutions is a tradition many of us enjoy as a way to set expectations and goals for the future. If you want to create a few resolutions that involve your finances your best bet is trying to tackle a few realistic, small goals. Creating goals that are too lofty or unrealistic is a great way to set yourself up to abandon them after a couple of weeks! We all have had that experience of creating a goal and then abandoning it when it seems too difficult.

Here are a few financial resolutions that you can make that you can continue to tackle throughout the year to give your finances a boost…

Commit To On-Time Payments

One of the best things you can do for your credit score is to make your payments on time. This resolution is pretty simple and straightforward and just takes a monthly reminder to complete. If you have trouble making your payments on time make sure you add cue dates into whatever kind of calendar you use or set a reminder notification on your phone.

Start An Emergency Fund

Another great goal to set is to create an emergency fund. This resolution is also pretty simple to achieve! At the start of the year you have to create a fund with your bank and make a small deposit. Then throughout the year you can make small contributions on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. Even if you only deposit $20 a month you are on the right track! Set a year-end goal and try to shoot for that.

Cut Down On Random Spending

If you are looking to save more this year a great way to do that is to cut out unnecessary spending. You don’t have to completely restrict yourself, you just have to make more mindful spending decisions. For 2022 take a look at your credit card and banking statements and see where you are spending the most and put yourself on a budget. Set a monthly total and try to stick with it month to month! You don’t have to deprive yourself - even making a budget $20 under what you normally would spend will save you some money and make you more aware of your spending habits!

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